Institute of Human Genetics, Ulm University is organizing in time period of 27th June – 1st July workshop entitled ‘Methylation analyses using 450K and EPIC Illumina arrays’.
DNA methylation plays an important role in regulating gene expression with impact on many biological processes and diseases. DNA methylation arrays offer the possibility to interrogate hundreds of thousands CpGs across the genome with high reproducibility. Additionally, DNA methylation arrays provide a platform for detecting copy-number changes in the same experiment. In the cancer field, applications of DNA methylation arrays comprise tumor profiling, biomarker detection and cancer classification. During this 5-day workshop, participants will be introduced into the wet-lab procedures including bisulfite conversion and hybridization. Bioinformatic analysis in R will focus on quality controls such as beta value distributions, statistical filtering and copy number quality. Further analyses include the assessment of tumor cell content and cellular composition as well as a first exploratory data analysis regarding differential methylation and clustering of subgroups.