Soft skills seminar entitled ‘Entrepreneurship’ will take place on 18th November 2021. In this workshop we discuss why entrepreneurship can be seen as a method of creating and delivering value, share inspiring cases and stories and develop a vision of how it can be used by the participants of the workshop in their career.
Time: 10.00 – 11.30
Trainer: Assistant professor Olga Belousova, University of Groningen Center of Entrepreneurship
There are different ways of seeing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur in healthcare does not always have to do with developing a cutting-edge high-tech startup. As a medical doctor or specialist, you may find yourself interested in solving difficult and even wicked societal problems where the market and society fail to solve the issue. Entrepreneurs can step in and develop simple, but working solutions to resolve these issues. Another common context for entrepreneurial activities in healthcare is internal, or, corporate entrepreneurship. This means, you don’t have to quit your daily job of being a doctor, or medical specialist, and you don’t necessarily need to have all of the required finance to develop your idea, but you can do it in association with your company/hospital. Independent, social or corporate entrepreneurship processes share a number of common features and yet, differ in other aspects.
Entrepreneurship: perspectives and approaches. E’ship as value creation,
Different types of entrepreneurship (social, academic, corporate),
Impact of entrepreneurship.
The registration for soft skills seminar has been closed, if you want to participate please contact to : amozejko@man.poznan.pl