Lecture entitled ‘Multi-OMICS analysis in MYC-translocated leukemias and lymphomas: from B-cell development to biomarkers’ took place.
The lecture was delivered by professor Reiner Siebert, Institute of Human Genetics, Ulm University
Abstract: The so called Burkitt translocation t(8;14) has been the first recurrent chromosomal aberration associated with a specific subtype of lymphoma. Subsequently, molecular characterization of the translocation lead to the identification of the MYC oncogene. Nowadays, IG-MYC translocations are considered as hallmark aberrations of Burkitt lymphoma but also identify subgroups of mostly clinically aggressive cases within other diagnostic categories. The lecture will review current concepts of MYC positive B-cell lymphomas. Moreover, data obtained within the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) will be discussed on integrated multi-OMICs analyses in sporadic BL. It will be demonstrated, how the interaction of structural, mutational, and transcriptional changes contribute to MYC oncogene dysregulation. Based on the experimental findings a model for the pathogenesis of Burkitt lymphoma will be presented.