Hematology Day 2023
Hodgkin lymphoma – the great teacher
Date: October 10, 2023
Place: Institute of Human Genetics PAS, online
The program offers three lectures addressed to a different audience:

Chłoniak Hodgkina – nowotwór inny niż wszystkie/Hodgkin lymphoma – a cancer unlike any other
Greta Sawicz, MSc., Institute of Human Genetics PAS
Lecture in Polish language, audience: pupils, students, teachers

Trudna wczesna postać chłoniaka Hodgkina/Difficult early-stage HL patients
Prof. Jan Maciej Zaucha, Medical University of Gdańsk
Lecture in Polish language, audience: patients, associations, specialists

Pathobiology of Hodgkin lymphoma/Patobiologia chłoniaka Hodgkina
Prof. Ralf Küppers, University Duisburg-Essen
Lecture in English language, audience: researchers, students, specialists
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